Inglês (English (USA))



Safra: 22/23

Lote: 065/09

Peneira: 16

Tipo: NY 2/3

Saca (60kg): 70

Processamento: Yellow Honey

Descrição Sensorial

Aroma frutas amarelas, calda de frutas
amarelas, manga, abacaxi, maracujá e pessego, bom corpo, doce,
longo e delicado.

Identidade agrorigem (1)


1 - Identificação:

Laudo de classificação número: 125/08
Lote de referência: 065/09
Data da Emissão: 25/07
Safra: 2022/23
Sacas (60kg): 70
Peneira: 16  
Processo: Yellow Honey

2 - Avaliação Sensorial (SCA):

Fragância/aroma: 7,75
Sabor: 7,75
Finalização: 7,75
Acidez: 7,75
Corpo: 8
Uniformidade: 10
Equilíbrio: 7,75
Limpeza: 10
Doçura: 10
Overall: 7,5

História do Produtor

Fazenda Santa Rita de Cássia is located on the Mantiqueira de Minas in the south of the state of Minas Gerais, in the city of Carmo de Minas – MG – Brazil.

It was acquired by our family in 1982 already with the mountain coffee culture, today we have 78 hectares with approximately 234 thousand coffee trees. The partner owners are Carlos Henrique Moreira Carvalho, Jacqueline Menezes Alkmin Carvalho, and Hélio de Luna Dias.

Our production is 100% Arabica Coffee in the Catuaí, Mundo Novo, Acaiá, and Icatu varieties.

The altitude is between 900 to 1,400m above sea level, our harvest is completely manual, on cloth, preventing the grains from coming into contact with the earth and we use two types of processing: Natural and Pulped Natural (CD).

Our cultivation sustainably takes place, we respect the environment, the resources used to grow coffee, and Brazilian labor laws, offering opportunities and quality of life to our employees.

Altitude: 1,250m
Carmo de Minas/MG
Region: Mantiqueira de Minas

Identidade agrorigem (1)

Make your quote


R. Maria Andrade Moreira, 128 – Família Andrade,
Santa Rita do Sapucaí – MG, 37540-000
tel: +55 (35) 99221-0055